Atypical stromal cells, a pseudosarcomatous change in sinonasal polyp causing diagnostic dilemma - A case report and review of literature

Case Report

Author Details : Selva Guru Lakshmi, S Radhika*, M Saranya, Rajalakshmi Preethi G

Volume : 9, Issue : 4, Year : 2024

Article Page : 230-233

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Nasal polyposis is a commonly encountered non-neoplastic inflammatory disease of the nose and paranasal sinuses presenting with various clinical manifestations like nasal obstruction, rhinorrhea, headache, anosmia/hyposmia, etc. The two most common etiologies of nasal polyps includes allergy and infections. The incidence of nasal polyposis in the general population is 0.5 to 4%. The histological diagnosis of benign inflammatory polyps of the nasal cavity usually doesnot pose any diagnostic difficulties. However, certain unusual histological features can be observed rarely which might be a huge challenge to the pathologists as they can mimic sarcoma. We hereby present one of the unusual feature - atypical stromal cells in a nasal polyp which we came across during histopathological examination of an antrochoanal polyp from a 34 year old female who presented with bilateral nasal obstruction. Pathologists and clinicians must be well aware of this entity, though they are rare. A better understanding of this entity - atypical stromal cells in a benign inflammatory polyp can help in preventing an erroneous diagnosis of sarcoma, thereby preventing unnecessary treatment and anxiety to the patient.

Keywords: Polyp, Antrochoanal, Atypical stromal cells, Pseudosarcomatous, Fibroblasts

How to cite : Lakshmi S G, Radhika S , Saranya M , Rajalakshmi Preethi G, Atypical stromal cells, a pseudosarcomatous change in sinonasal polyp causing diagnostic dilemma - A case report and review of literature. IP J Diagn Pathol Oncol 2024;9(4):230-233

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Article History

Received : 19-09-2024

Accepted : 19-10-2024

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Article DOI 10.18231/j.jdpo.2024.047

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